Foundation Class
Our Foundations/Beginner’s BJJ class is designed for beginners through to experienced practitioners. This rolling programme emphasises the building blocks of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), and covers self defence techniques, takedowns, positional control on the ground, and submissions. Lessons are focused on teaching the principles and concepts of the art.
Your first class in any new sport can be intimidating, so our Foundation Class allows students to learn Jiu-Jitsu in a controlled environment, focusing on the drilling of techniques, with limited and controlled active sparring.
Our beginner’s course is a rolling programme, so you can start at any time and without any previous experience, regardless of your age, athletic ability, or skill level. You will be able to execute the techniques on your very first day. We cap numbers to ensure you get the most detailed black-belt instruction.

All Levels Class
Our All Levels sessions consist of a technical, but challenging, warm-up, followed by positional sparring and then specific technical instruction. Students then revise and refine what they’ve learnt through further positional sparring, before training with teammates in the free-sparring session. Designed for the student interested in either competing in the sport, or simply testing and refining their ‘live’ knowledge and understanding of the art, our mixed-level classes offer more advanced instruction, in-depth technical training, conditioning and competition level sparring.